Ending Box #1

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I pick up my second farm box tonight, assuming there isn't any confusion over when I'm supposed to get it, where I'm supposed to get it, or my name.  Sadly, I still have some things left from the last box.  I have some onions and the rutabagas (I'm scared to use them after the turnip debacle). 

Let's catch up to what I've used from the box since the last post.  As you may recall, there were some garlic scapes unused.  Those went into pesto which I've made but have not eaten. It's in the freezer, just lying in wait for some leftover pasta.  I'm sure it will be fantastic.  I used the random peppers from the box in a salad, which wasn't too exciting.  It was rather green, even though it had lettuce, cucumbers, and three types of peppers.  There were some token carrots and onions in there, too.  I have no idea what kind of peppers they were, or if they were sweet or hot.  When I told Brian my plan to just cut them one at a time and taste it before adding to the salad, he offered to get the camera in case it was hot.  Alas, they were all slightly hotter than bell peppers, but only a wimp would ever think they were "hot."

Stay tuned for pics from tonight's box! 


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