Finally Cooking!

Monday, May 28, 2012

So I've actually used some of my farm box goodies!  So far we've used all the tomatoes (salad, BLTs, and tomato sandwiches), the turnips (glazed), the zucchini, scapes, and squash (grilled), and the bell pepper. 

Grilled (on the grill pan)

Glazed turnips

Ready for BLTs

Picture I almost forgot to take of the grilled garlic scapes

So how would I review what I've made so far?  The grilled zucchini and squash were yummy, as usual.  The garlic scapes I just grilled with olive oil. However, I think I need to try grilling them longer or blanching then grilling.  I have 1/2 of them left, so I might try grilling the rest or using them in pesto.  The tomatoes were good, but being early summer tomatoes, they were not great.  Still, they were leaps and bounds above grocery store ones, though there's still room for improvement. I'm not complaining about the need to eat more tomato sandwiches and BLTs this summer.  A day later, my house still smells like bacon. 

The biggest fail was the turnips. YUCK!  GAG!  I used a recipe that came with the box of veggies, and I really don't think it was the recipe's fault.   I just really haven't had turnips before (that I can recall), and I will be totally happy if I live the rest of my life without eating another.  Three bites and I was content to say "not my thing."  Brian agreed after one bite.  They ended up in the trash.

Of the stuff we've made so far, Lillian only had the squash.  She liked it for many bites, but then once she started chunking it on the floor, we declared her dinner done.

Box #1

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My first box pickup didn't go as planned. I was told the wrong pickup day.  When I didn't pick it up, they called, saying I could get it the next day but the lettuce would be bad, etc.  I was out playing Bunco and Brian was watching Lil, so we couldn't get it that night.  Anyways, my fantastic husband worked it all out and I was able to get a fresh box the next morning.

Here are the contents:

So far I haven't been very creative at all.   We used the bell pepper and a tomato on a salad Thursday night. Brian was out of town all day Saturday and is coming back on Sunday before dinner.  Sunday and Monday will prove more exciting, I promise!

Cocktail Hour!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grab a cup of milk, soda, tea, coffee, wine, beer, a G & T. Pick your poison and get comfy. This is going to be a long one. I feel like I need to lay out where I’m coming from so what’s to come will make sense. I promise my future posts won’t be as wordy. Here we go!


Who I (we) are:  Sarah (32) stay-at-home wife and mom.  Likes lots of stuff, and loves black pepper and   sweet tea (but not in combination.  At least I don't think so).  Does not like mushrooms, mango, coffee, wine, or liver.  Brian (31) software engineer/professional nerd.  Brian likes most foods including sweet tea (I converted him!), but does not like mushrooms, olives, pickles, black pepper (which is an issue), coffee, wine (especially red) or most citrus dishes.  Lillian (almost 15 months) super sweet little girl and the light of my life. Lillian has yet to meet a food she doesn’t like. She’s allergic to kiwis.

How I learned to cook/prepare food: As a cook, I don’t have too much breadth or depth, but I’ve picked up techniques along the way and have my favorite recipes. I’ve learned from my Mom, kiddie cooking class through the local rec center as a kid, Girl Scouts, Food Network (Sandwich King is sexy), cookbooks, cooking magazines (a little mainstream, but I eagerly await my Food Network magazine each month), trial-and-error/guess-and-check, my job at Entrée Vous, and Lori Keiper (I worked with her at EV and she is a great cook).

What I cook: I am not a foodie or gourmet cook. I’m lazy. Sloppy Joes made w/Manwich Bold and some fruit salad is OK. I’m even guilty of having tater tots instead of fruit. I like salads but often negate their overall nutritional value by adding stuff like blue cheese dressing and croutons. That said, Brian does cook a mean grilled pork tenderloin, we love grilled fish tacos, roasted veggies, and the usual favorites of tacos, spaghetti, assorted casseroles, breakfast food, etc. I have a great granola recipe, and putting that on some Greek yogurt is a super yummy breakfast or snack.

My kitchen equipment: I have a flat top stove, but would love a gas one. I like to grill outside, but since our neighbors are ghetto and their yards/decks don’t look very good, it’s more stressful to cook outside and see that mess than to just use my handy dandy grill pan. Also, there are less mosquitoes. I have a few fun gadgets and the basic skillets, pots, pans, knives. I’m open to getting some new things throughout the summer if I need ‘em. That includes new neighbors. Or a new house away from our current neighbors (we actually are actively house-hunting).

Why am I doing this? 1) We need to eat more fresh foods and expand our recipe/technique/ingredient repertoire. 2) I really hate throwing away food, so I am *going* to find a way to use everything in my box. It will force me to be creative. 3) I like the idea of supporting local farmers. I chose this particular share because it was recommended to me, and I also know one of the participating famers. He did some great work at the High Point Museum when I worked there, often donating his skills and time teaching Colonial dancing, or working on or demonstrating the loom. It’s good to help him and his family’s farm.

So there you have it. Take or leave it.  However, I hope you choose to ~take~ some new ideas and maybe ~leave~ some of your own!  If you're getting a farm box this summer, I'd love to post how you used your items!  Just drop me an email or a Facebook message and I'll try to post it.  Cheers!

What's coming up?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I am not a foodie, nor do I really want to be one. There. I said it.  I think it's more important to chase down the baby who just cruised through the cat escape hatch on the baby gate.  In other words, I have more pressing concerns than threading kabobs onto rosemary skewers (nothing wrong with that, but it's just not me right now).  However, this summer I’m jumping into cooking a little differently. Well, maybe not all the time, but sometimes. I usually cook normal “American” food, often not being the best choice health wise. I’ve decided to do something to help with this challenge; I took the plunge and joined a CSA cooperative (Triad Farm to Table).

My goal for this blog is to show how I, a normal American non-foodie cook, incorporates a grab bag/box of fresh and local fruits and vegetables into my usual cooking. I’ll experiment with new recipes and maybe cooking techniques along the way. Don’t expect anything fancy, but I hope to learn a thing or two and pass it along to you. Bon appétit! Wait, nose too high in the air. ~Ringing the dinner bell.~ No, a little too low brow. How about “Dinner’s almost ready! Start heading to the table, y'all!” Yes. Perfect. I’ll see you there!

I'm Back!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I can’t believe it’s been more than three years since I posted!  I think Facebook took over the “let the world know what I’m doing” segment of my life.  So why did I decide to restart my blog now?  It can’t be because nothing’s happened in the last three years (one job ended, I went on a cruise, I got pregnant, I went on another cruise, I quit my job, I had a baby, we went to Disney World, Holly (one of our cats) died, and now I have a 14.5 month old).  Maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment and want to add another project to my to-do list!  Luckily, the next couple of months will be following a theme:  FOOD!  Stay tuned for details.

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