So I've actually used some of my farm box goodies! So far we've used all the tomatoes (salad, BLTs, and tomato sandwiches), the turnips (glazed), the zucchini, scapes, and squash (grilled), and the bell pepper.
Grilled (on the grill pan) |
Glazed turnips |
Ready for BLTs |
Picture I almost forgot to take of the grilled garlic scapes |
So how would I review what I've made so far? The grilled zucchini and squash were yummy, as usual. The garlic scapes I just grilled with olive oil. However, I think I need to try grilling them longer or blanching then grilling. I have 1/2 of them left, so I might try grilling the rest or using them in pesto. The tomatoes were good, but being early summer tomatoes, they were not great. Still, they were leaps and bounds above grocery store ones, though there's still room for improvement. I'm not complaining about the need to eat more tomato sandwiches and BLTs this summer. A day later, my house still smells like bacon.
The biggest fail was the turnips. YUCK! GAG! I used a recipe that came with the box of veggies, and I really don't think it was the recipe's fault. I just really haven't had turnips before (that I can recall), and I will be totally happy if I live the rest of my life without eating another. Three bites and I was content to say "not my thing." Brian agreed after one bite. They ended up in the trash.
Of the stuff we've made so far, Lillian only had the squash. She liked it for many bites, but then once she started chunking it on the floor, we declared her dinner done.
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